faraday bag, also known as a shielded cell phone bag, protects much more than just a cellphone. These bags are designed to block electromagnetic waves from entering. They are built with mesh or continuous metal. They work by surrounding the object with a conductive metal mesh so an electromagnetic field cannot harm it.
Many choose to use a shielded cell phone bag to protect their data. Faraday bags are also used by car owners with key fobs. If you use a keyless entry system, a Faraday bag can help prevent criminals from copying your car key. Taking this extra step to protect your key fob will help prevent auto theft.
From car keys to cell phones to laptops, Faraday bags protect important valuables. You want to ensure that the personal data in these devices stay that way. You do not want hackers to be able to access your data. It’s crucial to ensure that your bag works properly every time you take it out.
While Faraday bags are effective at protecting your data, they can be damaged. Bags with holes or worn-out materials will allow signals to break through. It’s important to check your bag for any signs of damage when you first purchase it and to check periodically to ensure its integrity. Luckily, there is a way to check if your shielded cell phone bag is working. Place your phone in the bag and call it with another device. If the call goes through, your bag has been compromised.